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Fascism, hatred and agitation must have no place in our society!

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At the Flying Circus, we stand for an open-minded and humane society. With their increasingly blatant ideas, the AfD and other right-wing organisations stand in absolute opposition to our core values: openness, tolerance, respect and honesty.

We believe in a society in which diversity and difference are not only tolerated, but celebrated. We want to be welcoming and accessible to all people - regardless of their origin, religion or identity. We respect each person as an individual with their own thoughts and feelings. With our statements and actions, we stand for trustworthiness and credibility.

The revelations of Correctiv's investigative journalists describe how right-wing sections of society want the Germany of the future with a ‘master plan’ and are a clear reminder - not only through the choice of location - of the National Socialist dictatorship in Germany, which began 90 years ago and brought immeasurable suffering to the world.

As a colourful team with very different lifestyles and experiences, we no longer want to imagine a world in which countries close themselves off and things are free, but people are not. The social, ecological and economic challenges facing the whole world can only be solved in true community.

Many of the achievements of the last 50 years have only been able to develop in an open society. We have been committed to Free Software for decades in a wide variety of national, European and international associations, foundations and communities. Time and again, we meet people and other companies with whom we compete and co-operate. Through this colourful exchange, we establish mutual understanding, gain new insights and come up with new ideas together.

After the Second World War, Germany achieved immense prosperity and a position in the world that was only possible thanks to the goodwill, openness and tolerance of the international community. It is precisely these values that must be defended here and now: not because they make economic sense, but because ethics and decency demand it!

For more than a decade now, we have listened tolerantly and patiently to the hate-fuelled statements of political actors such as Weidel, Aiwanger, Höcke and Gruber - as well as those from our personal environment - and tried to counter them with objective arguments and well-founded facts. They ignore the lessons of history and now it is finally time to take a clear and public stance and make a decisive stand. Firstly, because constantly ignoring facts and spreading misinformation is a serious threat to our democratic values. Secondly, because the well-being of our society and the protection of minorities from hatred and discrimination require a clear and decisive stance.

We reject any ideology that promotes hatred, intolerance, contempt for humanity and discrimination. The Flying Circus stands for an open, respectful and honest community that is actively opposed to the degradation of our democratic values. We are convinced that a peaceful, prosperous and inclusive life in Germany, Europe and the world is only possible by adhering to these values.

We stand together against the right!

Eine Person hält ein Plakat gegen die AFD nach oben mit der Aufschrift: AFD Aus Für Deutschland
Bildrechte: monkeybusiness